Looking For a Lightweight Double Buggy Alternative?

Do you think you've found the perfect double buggy for your family? Have you browsed brands like phil&teds, MacLaren, BOB, Graco, and Kolcraft, narrowing down which style of twin stroller you'd like to buy? Comparing different stroller models can be quite overwhelming. Storage, accessories, safety...these are all things to consider. However, there is one thing that many parents don't consider before making their purchase-the weight and size of the stroller.

Double Stroller Kolcraft

Double strollers vary in size but many are really heavy! If you do a lift test before deciding on a stroller, you might be one of the families that end up leaving the fancy stroller at home! Many double buggies can weigh up to 40 pounds, and that's NOT including the extra diapers and other supplies you'll probably be carrying along in it. Make sure you are able to fold the stroller, lift it up, and handle it fairly easily. You also need to make a note of the stroller's size and dimensions, because some car trunks are too small to fit certain models!

Double Stroller Kolcraft

Have you thought about getting a "sit-and-stand" stroller? These strollers have been designed with a regular stroller seat in the front, and a small bench seat and standing platform in the back. They are a good lighter-weight alternative for families with one baby and one toddler.

If your toddler is rambunctious, this stroller style might not be the best choice for you. The design requires the toddler to be relatively compliant and might not work if a child hates sitting still. There is usually a harness to strap the child in the seat, but it's not quite as encompassing as a normal buggy seat.

If you frequently run a lot of errands and your children like to sleep in their strollers, this might also not be your best option. Because there is only one regular seat, only one child will be able to sleep. This is one of the things that standard tandem and side-by-side double buggies accommodate that the sit-and-stand strollers do not.

While many double buggy models weigh in around 30 or 40 lbs, sit-and-stand strollers can be a lighter choice because there is only one full seat. This makes the stroller easier to transport and can help moms that have trouble moving heavier strollers in and out of the car.

If you do your research and compare the different double buggy brands, you should be able to look up specifications for each model and note their weights. Keep your back happy by finding a twin stroller that's easy for you to lift. You'll be cruising along with the family no time!

Looking For a Lightweight Double Buggy Alternative?
Double Stroller Kolcraft

Jeep Wrangler Twin Sport All-Weather Stroller, Heat
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Jeep Wrangler Twin Sport All-Weather Stroller, Heat Feature

  • Each seat holds up to 35 pounds for a total weight up to 70 pounds
  • Seats recline independently and individual sun rider canopies easily adjust to block sun
  • Removable parent cup holder for drinks while on the go
  • All terrain tires for a smooth ride
  • 3-point quick release buckle

Jeep Wrangler Twin Sport All-Weather Stroller, Heat Overview

Do you have 2 little adventurers%3F Do they both want the front seat%3F The Jeep Wrangler Twin Sport is the perfect solution%2E Its cool%2Dclimate roll%2Dup keeps airflow in the summer or roll%2Ddown seat to block the wind in the winter%21 Compact and lightweight for no non%2Dsense travel%2C the Jeep double umbrella stroller easily folds up%2E Comfortable for your baby and convenient for you%2C this quick umbrella%2Dfold stroller comes complete with reclining padded seat backs%2C cargo bags and removable parent cup holder%2E JPMA Certified%2E

Available In Stock.

Jeep Wrangler Twin Sport All-Weather Stroller, Heat